Microwave barriers

Detects an intrusion attempt

The Microwave/Radar/Doppler units offered (in partnership with Cias) generate a radio frequency field which creates an invisible detection zone which sets off an alarm as soon as a person tries to move between the transmitter and receiver. These products work in virtually all weather conditions including rain, snow and fog. The product is even more effective when used as a complimentary detection to the primary fence mounted detection system.

Heras provide the following microwave barrier options:

  • Murena plus
  • Manta
  • Ermo pro


Murena Plus

Murena Plus is a volumetric microwave sensor, using the Doppler effect and digital signal processing, for external protection. The size and shape of the detection field make it particularly suitable for the protection of areas  completely  free  of  obstacles  or  for  irregular  shaped  areas  with  fixed  obstacles present.

This unit is a short range standalone product (12 or 24m) with simple relay outputs for alarm activation notification. One very useful feature of this device is minimum and maximum range function to enable the device to be able to only alarm on specific areas / distances from the detector head and ignore those outside of the alarm zone.

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Manta is a digital microwave barrier for outdoor protection with range of 50 and 80m designed for the security of the commercial applications with a very high detection performance.

The Manta is a discreet detection system that is unobstrusive but highly effective.

Ermo Pro

The Ermo Pro is a digital microwave barrier with digital signal analysis for long range protection in the range of 50 – 500m. It is particularly suited for protecting very high risk sites such as prisons, military sites and petrol-chemical sites as well as commercial properties. It also incorporates a very reliable anti masking technology and a complete environmental monitoring system to reduce false alarms.

This unit has a very high probability of detection and a very low false alarm rate.